Saturday, September 23, 2023

Criminal Cops, Informants, and Snitches

These things need be. The book of revelation tells us that these are God's instruments to usher in the destruction of all things. At the same time God is preparing those who are the called, the elect, and chosen of God to live separate from the world and to not be a friend with unbelievers.

Who beguiled you that you would be deceived, oh you Galatians.  Everything works together for good to them who love God.  The Lord is not going to put more on us than we can bear.  Before we were formed in the womb God set us apart.  No matter what we experienced in life up to this day, God knew.

Those God called, He also foreknew and predestinated. Now we have criminal law enforcement, undercover and those with a badge who work deceptively to destroy people's lives. Or better, that God is using as tools to bring about destruction in the earth.

Now God is not a man that He would lie.  The scripture clearly spells out everything that has taken place and will take place.  You must be born again. You are the head and not the tail. You are above and not beneath.  Why would someone try to destroy another human being just for the sake of destroying them. We are born in sin and shapened in iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.

Do not return again to the yoke of bondage.  The devil wants your attention.  The devil is a loser and a scared cat.  The devil and his law enforcement cohorts peddle fear.  The goal is to make you fear.  But perfect love casts out all fear.  You trust God.  His Word will accomplish that which He has set it forth to do.

We shall see the destruction of the wicked before our eyes. Their swords shall enter into their own hearts and the net the wicked have secretly laid for you, for me, for others all across the world, they will fall into themselves.  Are you keeping up? 

Be blessed.  Put all of your faith in Christ Jesus.  When the magistrates thought that they had killed Jesus, the Lord laughed.  Ha, Ha,  Ha.....this is the very purpose for which I sent my only begotten Son to earth; to die.

Go ahead.  Do your thing. I am God and there is none besides Me.  My will, my plan, my purpose.  I am God. I wound, I heal, I kill and I give life and no man can deliver from my hand.   

We don't just defeat the devil yesterday or today or tomorrow.  The devil was defeated at the very moment he lifted Jesus up on the cross.  

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.