Saturday, September 23, 2023

Get Over Yourself

This is not just about you, me, our family, our neighborhood. This is about the world.

I'm telling you that the people on my job know what I do every day and over the weekend. They know what I do on my computer and what I say in my home. When I get to work on Monday, someone in my office is going to mimic, parrot, mirror etc, something from over the weekend--something I experienced or said.

This is federal, state and local law enforcement activity being used on people across the world. There are too many people. The population is too big. What is taking place in the world is nothing more than the Holodomor Ukranian manufactured famine, and Stalin and Hitler's purge of their society's.

The United States would do it like that too but it would expose that we are really not a we put them in mental health institutions and prisons or create mass murders.

Getting back to these fakers, deceivers, and criminal law enforcement entities harassing us--they think they are getting away with destroying others. The Bible says that whatsoever a man soweth he shall also reap.

The devil and these people on your job and your next door neighbors and criminal cops are trying to steal your faith in God and your trust in God's Word.

Take this to the bank--whether you believe God is who He says He is or you do not--God is not a man that He would lie. His Word will, and is, not returning to Him void.  Get over yourself and get right with God.

David said to Goliath, you come to me with a sword and a shield but I come to you in the mighty name of Jesus! God will do what His Word says He will do. He's doing it right now!

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.