Saturday, August 1, 2020


The sacrifice is salted in the fire (Mark 9:49). Wherefore therewith is salt that has lost its savor (Luke 14:34). Does this mean that being in the fiery trials of life we are being salted, we are being seasoned? That is a beautiful thing. Seasoned food is so good. A seasoned person, seasoned meat, seasoned vegetables, seasoned rice--ahhh, oh so good!

The Lord is the author and the finisher of our faith. The Lord knows how to save those that are His. Everyone won't be saved, but those that are destined to be saved will be. They are everywhere. That is why the believer is compelled to go out into the highways and the by-ways to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. The harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few.

The salvation plan was laid before the foundation of the earth. God was out there somewhere waiting to bring forth the earth with the waters and the land, the fish, the animals and then the first humans as we believe, Adam and Eve--not as Darwinians believe that man evolved from apes. But, let's back up. In the beginning, did God know that He was going to have to come up with a plan of salvation? The Lord gave Adam and Eve strict orders on what to do and what not to do; what to eat and what not to eat. Do not eat from the tree of good and evil because if you do, you will die. The tree of good and evil was the most beautiful and appetizing tree in the Garden of Eden, where God had placed Adam and Eve.

The serpent, the devil, came and beguiled Eve. As Eve pondered in her heart while looking at the tree of good and evil, the serpent slithered by and said, why look? Enjoy a piece of fruit it won't kill you. Eve said that we are not supposed to eat from this tree or that we will die. It didn't take a lot of coaxing. Eve ate the fruit and discovered she was naked and tried to hide from God. God spoke to Eve and asked her why she was hiding and she said that we are naked and don't want you to see us. Uhm? As humans began to understand what they could do and what they couldn't do, what they should do and what they should not do, they became more intelligent and began to think of ways that they could benefit and multiply themselves and things. Kill, steal and destroy--(sound familiar, as Christ had not died on the cross yet and risen from the dead, conquering satan, death, hell and the grave)--if necessary, beyond working hard, which only the minority thought was the best way to survive.

God said, "I need to save my people. I will make myself a body and go down as a human being and walk among the people to explain to them how things and life are supposed to work". God clothed Himself in a body and named Himself Jesus. Jesus was the human sacrifice for the world.

God's salvation plan is to reach every human being from every corner of the earth to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to hear the message of God's saving grace. Although the message will cover the earth, only a remnant shall be saved. Everyone does not like salt in their diet, and salt that has lost its savor is of no use.

If you believe in Jesus but have not given your life to Christ, accept Him into your heart today.  Christ Jesus, please come into my heart.  Lord Jesus become my personal Lord and Savior.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.