Saturday, April 13, 2024

Do Not Join Up With the World, Hey You Look Like Me

Oh but I love her so much. I just have to be with her, so Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her. So your next door neighbor has people following you around wherever you go.  The people on your job know what you do when you are at home, jogging up and down the street, your neighbors' tree falling two yards over into your back yard.  

Oh but I just have to have her I love her so much.  After all I have done for her.  How can she hate me so much. I'm trying to see what color she wears today so I can tell my boys so that they can have people on the street wearing the same colors....oh, oh, looks like she is attracted to Orange.  Are you sure,  I think she likes black and green or all black.  Who cares; follow her, she needs to see you so that we can play the picture in her mind at night when she is sleep.  We will wake her up with thoughts of everything she saw while she was out jogging, even people way down the street wearing white shirts.  What does that mean?  Who is that?  I don't know we better go and check it out.

Shechem longed for Dinah.  Your next door neighbor is so obsessed with you he loves to watch you wipe your but.  He loves to repeat the word poo, poo, while you are fixing your meals.  Don't forget you have to eat enough to have a good poo poo.

People who love to watch people eat by video or camera are very lonely.  It is a psychological disorder.  They are called Mukbangers wrote Sebastian Ocklenburg, Ph.D. "The Asymmetric Brain", Psychology Today --  People with problematic Mukbang watching are often lonely.

Like my next door neighbor who is either a federal informant working in cooperation with the local, state and federal law enforcement entities --  badge wearing and undercover and the FBI who ride around in cars -- gang stalking and community mobbing neighbors who treat you like you are stupid, dumb or at worse mentally stunted and workplace mobbing who have had a coordinated activity by coworkers including your boss who treat you like you are stupid or dumb any and every chance they can-- 9 years on the job and 20 years in the community where you live and shop, and car mobbing -- who in concert and under the FISA Act that has just been renewed by the Federal Government for the purpose of destroying individuals, whole families and businesses both large and small across the country, ultimately working for a CIA mind control program researched and reported by Walter Browart, Operation Mind Control, and Viorel Serb based on research in his book the Battle for Your Brain: Psychological Warfare.

The mentally depraved next door neighbor who lives for the single purpose to steal your home and personal and monetary possessions and ultimately kill you.  Like his leader, the serpent who comes to steal, kill and destroy.

When the father heard that his daughter had been defiled, raped, molested, taken advantage of by Shechem, he did not say anything.  He held his tongue.  

Shechem's father tried to appeal to the girl's father on behalf of his son. But when the girl's brothers heard about it they were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done. (Genesis34)

But Shechem's father said to the girl's father my son's soul long's for Dinah.  He is obsessed with her....not really.  Not like your mentally ill, low IQ neighbor.  Hating is not love.  Electronic torture, mind control, stealing, dominating, denigrating, stalking....that is not love or liking. What do you think? What is a sane person supposed to think?  oh that's right . The purpose of electronic mind control is to tell you what to think for the purpose of controlling your behavior.

Shechem's father said, come on.  Join with us.  Give us your daughters, we will give you our daughters and we will all be as one.  All of our possessions will be your possessions and your possessions will be ours.  Sounds like what happens with your next door neighbor thinking everyone is supposed to get up the same time, go to bed the same time, turn lights on and off at the same time, start work at the same time, take lunch and breaks at the same time. Like Black Lives Matter and so do Whites.  What?!!!

Now listen to this very carefully.  The sons said that we cannot do this thing. We cannot join up with the uncircumcised.  As you recall God gave a command that all of His people would be circumcised--the men, the boys and the male babies. The brothers of the girl that had been violated said that we cannot join up with the uncircumcised or God will come against us.

Watch this.  We are stupid and dumb. We suffer from low self esteem, jealousy and hate.. We can't think for ourselves. We have to be electronically mind controlled. BUT, if ye will be as we be, that every male of you be circumcised; then we will join up with you. We will become one big happy family. We will dwell with you, and we will become one people.  We will be one big happy, stupid, dumb jealous, low IQ, low self-esteem family. Yay!

Shechem and his father were working under a distorted reality and self-deception controlled by obsession, hate, jealousy and greed, that they agreed to be circumcised.  As my next door neighbor says through electronic mind control technology "my boys", the people who are working to destroy you, the people engaged in workplace and community mobbing, and gang stalking, color mobbing, noise mobbing I'll let them know that we are going to become one team.  We will all use the same words, wear the same colors, slam doors, screech, rev engines, vroom vroom, pop pop.  We're all going to be as one team. 

Everybody got onboard with the psychologically depraved, muckbanger, low IQ, faggot trying to pass as a man and the bible says every male was circumcised.

And on the third day, operating under deception, deceiving and being deceived, seeing through a glass darkly that those participating in the coordinated activity of the criminal law enforcement entities were killed by the girl's two bothers. Each brother took his sword, and came upon the city boldly, and slew all the males. 

Dinah's two brothers, the sons of Jacob came upon the slain, and spoiled the city, because they had defiled their sister.  They took their sheep, and their oxen, and their asses, and that which was in the city, and that which was in the field. And all their wealth, and all their little ones, and their wives took they captive, and spoiled even all that was in the house. (Genesis 34)

Jacob was troubled by what the sons had done. Jacob said that you have made me to look bad among the people. They will surely gather together and destroy me and my house.  Like when your next door neighbor says that you are making me look bad when you cover your face like you are scared.  Like when your next door neighbor says that you don't do what you say "actually" think because I don't talk to the depraved individual-psycho-maniac,  I can't even look at him without having to throw up.  You're going to make me look bad. or so the electronic mind control technology says in my head.  When you going to buy that dirt?

 And the brothers said, should she have to fight for 20 years to live in a house that the Lord blessed her with. Should she be electronically tortured and electronically attacked with mind control technology, should she be gang stalked, home broken into, illegally entered into day in and day out.  Should someone come in her back yard and sit on her deck and cut down her beehive, move out tree debree and leaves in the back section, move support structures from her deck and when a tree falls, whoever was going in and out of her house and sitting on her deck and destroyed her beehive not be anywhere to be found to cut the tree down.  

Should my sister be treated like trash and like she is not a human being? (Genesis 34)


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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.