Sunday, October 22, 2023

You Didn't Really Do That, Did You?

Brain-washing tactics is a process meant to “change a mind radically so that its owner becomes a living puppet—a human robot—without the atrocity being visible from the outside.” Such is the electromagnetic mind control and mind invasive technology used on you by your next-door neighbor who works for the police department.

In 1946 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was so worried about the spread of Communism that it proposed removing liberals, socialists and communists from places like schools, libraries, newspapers and entertainment. Three years into the Korean War, American prisoners of war began confessing to outlandish crimes. This is akin to what is taking place in 2023--the prostitution rings and drug rings staged by the police department in residential neighborhoods where people live and raise their families or shopping centers where people bring their families to shop.

Captured in 1952, U.S. Colonel Frank Schwable, the highest ranking military officer and other prisoners of war falsely confessed to using germ warfare against the Koreans, dropping everything from anthrax to the plague on civilians, today it’s called COVID.

5,000 of the 7,200 POWs either petitioned the U.S. government to end the war, or signed confessions of their alleged crimes. 21 American soldiers refused repatriation.

Suddenly the threat of brainwashing was very real, and it was everywhere. The U.S. military denied the charges made in the soldiers’ “confessions,” but couldn’t explain how they’d been coerced to make them. What could explain the behavior of the soldiers besides brainwashing? People’s minds were wiped and controlled by outside forces.  

2000 to the present, is this the intent of your criminal cop next door neighbor or a federal, state, and local criminal police department to use electromagnetic technology on individuals to rewrite men’s minds and rob them of their free will?

The basic problem that brainwashing needs to address is why would anyone want to go along with a criminal, deceptive, unseen, operation designed to destroy people’s lives?

Brainwashing has become a euphemism, a joke, a scary movie, or a book of fiction to explain something that cannot be explained because it is a deceptive practice used to denigrate, subjugate, and dominate others for the purpose of committing crimes.
  • To make people lose their jobs, 
  • Go to the psychiatrist and get put on mind numbing medication to prevent the individual from functioning;
  • To harass the individual,
  • To follow the individual wherever they go, and,
  • To ultimately make the person believe that they are a part of the criminal activity or that they are doing some kind of good for society—take your pick—electronic mind control is a criminal activity designed to destroy humanity controlled by a criminal law enforcement entity.
Scientists who studied the American POWs when they returned from Korea reported that the men had been tortured. And so it is today, electromagnetic technology used on a human being is torture--repeatedly, nonstop, consistent torture.   

Brainwashing’s ultimate purpose is to have social control, having absolute power over an individual’s surroundings and to confess to crimes repeatedly, even if they aren’t true—continuing to protect the criminal law enforcement cop who is coordinating, financing and controlling criminal activity.

For the American soldiers trapped in the Korean prison camps, brainwashing meant forced standing, deprivation of food and sleep, solitary confinement, and repeated exposure to Communist propaganda. Since the late 1990s to today, brainwashing has evolved with the introduction of electromagnetic technology, solitary confinement has evolved into isolation, and repeated exposure is to be attacked “in your head” 24/7/365 by a maniac who controls the technology and gets a kick out of you eating, wiping your butt, using the toilet, taking a bath, or whatever else it is that you do in the supposedly privacy of your home.

Courtesy of The True Story of Brainwashing and How It Shaped America


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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.