Sunday, December 19, 2021

You See Me Wipe My Butt?

Don't let the devil, your master, fool you?  You will be given over to great delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:11), you will deceive and be deceived (2 Timothy 3:13), the ditch you dig for others you will fall into it (Proverbs 26:27). Let it be done according to the one and only Lord God almighty who is not a man that He would lie. His Word will not  change, and His Word will not return unto Him void. 

If you think for one nano second that I am moved by an evil nefarious deceitful spirit working through criminal cops and their consort to destroy my life and others you are under great delusion.  Is that what the electronic torture is about?--coupled with the electronic mind control and mind manipulation technology and the neighbors slamming doors and coming out or leaving out when I do?  What is that about?  To give someone the impression that I am "working" with you or engaged in your criminal corrupt activities to destroy humanity--wiping out people one at a time or whole communities? Or is it for me to errupt in the flesh and be disobedient to God's Word who tells me to subdue the members of my flesh and bring every thought captive to His Word?  What is it really about?  My allegiance is to the Lord God Almighty.  My will is to do the will of God.  My desire is to walk in divine obedience to God's Word and to not return to the yoke of bondage but enjoy my freedom in Christ who bled, suffered and died that I might have life and life more abundantly.  That I may reign in eternity with Him, that His life may be demonstrated in my obedience to His Word.  Hallelujiah!  I praise you Lord Jesus for every evil deceptive weapon lodged against me that You will get the glory, that You will keep me on my knees, that You will keep me in fellowship with You.  I praise You Lord!  I praise You Jesus!

Crooked, undercover, badge wearing, suit wearing, jean wearing, coat and tie, whatever your wardrobe is, white, green, gray, silver, magenta, pink, plum, burgundy, red, lavender, orange, purple, yellow, teal, blue, black whatever is your "color", tan, brown, whatever....I'm not with you.  Because my house that I purchased on the open market was rigged with cameras and microphones before I moved in, I'm not leaving my home.  You can watch me wipe my butt, wash between my legs, brush my teeth, put on sneakers, a suit, what shoes I wear and don't wear, what color my underwear is, read my mind all you want.  When you become as a servant of the most high Lord God Jehovah and can read my heart, you will be born again. I encourage you to accept Christ as your Lord and personal savior that you may have life and life more abundantly--you will be released from dumb, stupid, jealous demons who have overtaken your mental, emotional and physical bodies.

Wishing you all the best for the Holiday Season. 

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.