Saturday, June 12, 2021

We Won't Bend and We Won't Bow

Here's a tip. Like it? Give us something we can use. You can't use the gospel message? What kind of tip are you looking for? You're the criminal. You're the murderer and the torturer and the harasser. You're the one who uses electromagnetic technology on people and watch them in their home while they walk around butt naked. You're the one who watches someone wiping their butt while you're banging on the wall. Oh, oh, that's the signal. What you got for me? Let me hear you scream and get emotional. I like it when you do that. You know I can't get a woman so I have to communicate with you through the wall and have a conversation with you in your head. Come on give me some play. We're friends.

She's trying to tell us something. I wonder what it is.

The message is that God is in control (Isaiah 55:8-9, Deuteronomy 31:8, Psalm 73:26, 2 Chronicles 2:17). The Lord allows us to think that we are in control while He sits back and says yes, that's according to My plan. The author and finisher of the faith that is working in us (Hebrews 12:2). The bible tells us that we can do exceedingly and abundantly above all things whatsoever we ask or think according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3). The power that works in us is the Holy Spirit.

Now stop faking and trying to destroy people's lives. How are you going to use mind reading technology, mind control and manipulation strategy, bang on walls, and then drive around in circles and use the word "friends". Subjugation, denigration, domination, sadistic-masochistic, strategies. Wait a minute. Who said we were trying to be your friend? What made you think that? I know, right. I'm so dumb what do I know. 

Truth -- Those who are bound by hatred, jealousy, and sadistic-masochistic strategies, those who use electro-magnetic, mindreading and mind manipulating technology to torture and harass a human being are very dumb and stupid and suffer from low self-esteem. You are unbecoming and unattractive to women. You lack integrity and character. You are a wimp and a misogynist, perpetrating as a male homo sapien--even a confident man would not be your friend. Who else would treat someone like they are trash, stupid, and dumb and the person under attack would think that you want them to be your friend. 

We won't bend and we won't bow and if our God does not deliver us, we still won't serve you (Daniel 3:18).

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.