Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Children

What do we tell the children? When the neighbor bangs incessantly, all night and all day?  Do we say Honey, don't worry, he or she is working for the government to provoke someone into yelling at them or starting or getting into a fight with them. Then the person who stands up for their sick mom or dad or grandparents gets into trouble and goes to jail.

When the crowds or gangs of people stand in front of stores or shopping centers and the child says, mommy what are those people doing, we can hardly get in the store, or mommy why do we have to go here, look at those people, what are they doing just standing there? Do you say, honey, they are  working for the government posing as drug dealers or "just hanging out" to get people to engage in conversation with them so that they can lull someone into criminal activity or gossip about others who they think are engaged in criminal activity?

When you're walking down the street with your children and guys or women come up to you to talk about nothing, or ask you for a cigarette, or money, and the children say, mommy who was that? and you say, oh they work for the government. They were hoping I could give them a tip about someone breaking the law. 

Mom how come every time we go into the store, people start following us around?  Baby, they are watching to see if we engage in conversation with anyone or if they can engage us in conversation.  Why mom?  It's the government sweetie.  That is how the government works in our country.  It is not just me precious darling. People all over the country are being violated some way or another in their personal lives and while they are on their jobs. We must always be slow to speak and quick to hear. We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.  What does that mean mommy?  It means to mind your own business. 

What do you say when you go to your job and everything that you did in the privacy of your home, in your yard or while out on a jog or walk is mimicked back to you?  What do you tell the children in conversation around the dinner table?  Babies, while I was at work today, don't you know that my colleagues were mimicking my behavior from over the weekend?  Why were they doing that mommy?  Sweeties, they were doing police work? It is a psychological law enforcement tactic, to make the person that they are mimicking to feel uncomfortable or violated so that they will leave their jobs, stand up for themselves and get fired from their jobs or get their employer's mental health people to put them out on medical leave. On the other hand, if your heart is not right with God, if you are not yoked up with Jesus, you may go along with the duplicitous behavior and enjoy the opportunity to belong to a group of unscrupulous people who are out to destroy the lives of another human being. Doing evil or wrong or violating others is what these people enjoy. You may have to work with them, shop, and live in their communities but you are separate and apart, and you will have tribulation while on this earth. A day will not go by where a co-worker or neighbor will not try to make you leave your job or your home due to the subtlety or outright attacks.

Babies, there are a lot of things going on in the world right now, that mommy cannot fully explain to you, other than you have to stay close to the Lord. You have got to be separated from the world, you have to renew your commitment to God every day. 

Well mommy why is this happening to you?  Baby, it is happening to mommy because the Lord took mommy onto the devil's territory to reveal the devil's tactics to her so that she would be saved for eternity.  That means that the Lord showed mommy the tactics and strategies of the devil so that when she walked through the valley of the shadow of death she would fear no evil. 

In other words my sweet, precious, and adorable baby boy and girl, Jesus came to seek and to save them who are lost. Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved.  If I catch you being a friend to these people, on your job, in your neighborhood or wherever you go, I am going to whip your butt good.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.