Tuesday, March 23, 2021


There is no good guy and bad guy.  There is no garbage and trash, do-gooder and self-righteous.  Jesus died for sinners. Oh, what He had to go through to die for sinners. Oh, what Jesus had to experience--humiliation, nakedness, hanging on the cross, isolation, mocked, spit on, and death--all to save a sinner from eternal damnation--Hell.

So when we wrestle not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), but against evil wickedness in high places we are wrestling with demons in human bodies.  When we are harassed and attacked by the people who drive by in the different color cars, vans and jeeps to pretend that they know us and want us to pretend that we know them, we are wrestling with the powers of darkness who want to snatch us out of Jesus' hands. We are wrestling with the spirit of darkness who wants to sever our relationship with Christ. What the devil does not know and does not want you as a believer to know is that you are in more than a relationship with Christ. Christ dwells in you (Colossians 3:16). You are born again (John 3). For how is it that a man would give His life for a good man, than a righteous man give His life for a sinner. (Romans 5) What can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus?  Neither depth, nor height, nor principalities nor things present nor things to come shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus (Romans 8), who dwells in us and lives in us. For this purpose we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1), to those who believe and the unbeliever as well.

The unbeliever is really not an "unbeliever".  The unbeliever does not want you to believe. The believer's life is not separate from Christ's in dwelling Spirit.  You are Christ's and Christ is thine (1 Corinthians 3), and nothing shall separate you from Christ.  For to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1).  

When the believer comes under attack, it is not from that human being or that thing that the believer portends to resist--as the bible tells us to resist the devil (James 4).  Sure you can resist the devil, but you will also be in Christ. Whether you live or whether you die you are in Christ (Romans 14). If you make your bed in hell or in heaven you are Christ's (Psalm 139). Whether you choose to throw up your hands, give in to the world's ways and turn your back on God, you will have not been conquered by the evil one. You will not have been a casualty of a demonic attack. You will have given yourself over to the wrath of God. It is better to suffer adversity in relationship with Christ than to suffer outside of your relationship with Christ. It is like a mother carrying their baby on their back in a baby carrier and the mother breaks out in a break dance to the newest or oldest rap song in the market. The mother does some dips, flips, and twirls. The baby is attached to your body in the carrier, strapped in tight, but the baby is being traumatized.  

Stand therefore in the liberty wherein Christ has set you free and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage (Galatians 5). The devil will continue to come at you with everything he, she, it, or they have--subtlety, deception, veiled, or direct frontal attack. You have power over every attack of the enemy. This includes the electro magnetic attacks aimed at your head while you are in your home, trying to kill you silently or brainwash you into "giving in" to the attack of the enemy who is riding around in the vans, jeeps, cars, of every color and the people that they have walk up to you as if they are in expectation of something--only God knows what. Hey, what's up?  Right. Who are you and what do you want?  Don't go along with the charade. Call on the name of Jesus, out loud, right there. Call on the forces in heaven that will come to your aid, swiftly, suddenly. These demons are trying to make you look as if you are a part of their nefarious network to destroy another person's life. You call on the risen Savior who is right there watching your every move and waiting for you to call His name. 

If you are going to die in the flesh, let it be like Jesus who gave His life for sinners, of which you were once chief.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.