Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Spirit and The Flesh

Who is your god? Do you know who you are serving? Do you know who is lord and master of your life, what you do, what you think, what you talk about?

Those of us who know the Lord need to make sure that it is God's direction. Jesus said that if it were possible the very elect would be fooled, but my sheep know me and they know my voice and another they will not follow (Matthew 24:24).

The flesh can move upon you to go online and wrestle with the forces of darkness using God's Word. After all, God's Word is sharp and powerful (Hebrews 4:12) and you have been given the authority, from God, to tread on serpents and to cast out demons (Mark 16:18, Luke 10:19). You have power over the forces of darkness. There is no need to engage in tit-for-tat or to pick fights with the enemy in the spirit, online, or in the flesh. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against evil and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). Resist the enemy in the spirit (James 4:7), same as you would resist the enemy in the flesh.

Do not cast that which is holy to the dogs neither cast your pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6). Before you go putting stuff online about whipping up on the devil, make sure it is God who is leading you. How do you know what the Lord wants you to do? You need to mortify the members of your flesh and bring every thought captive to the Word of God. Walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. Be separated and come from among them. Know what the Bible says. Everyone wants to believe that God "told me" or "God spoke to me" or "God led me". Wonderful! just make sure it is God who is leading you and not 21st century electromagnetic brainwashing, manipulation, torture and harassment tactics used by those who know not God to try to mimic God--real live human beings who have families and friends--working to destroy humanity, committing hate crimes--wanting to use those who profess the Lord to do their dirty work disguised as "good". The real reason for the electromagnetic torture is to stop the Word of God from going forth, to destroy the believer, or to turn the believer to the enemy's camp. The people who are being harrassed with electromagnetic harassment and torture may be already saved or they are God's chosen but have not yet accepted Christ as their Lord and personal savior. (If you are an intelligent human being, ask yourself why would one be a target of electromagnet mind control, mind manipulation, electronic torture or electronic harassment? The use of electro-magnetic technology on human beings does not discriminate, it is used on people all throughout this country and the world at every social-economic level.)

But I digress. We think that when we use God's Word online to fight the forces of darkness it is spiritual because we are born again believers or "Christians" and spew out the Word of God, waving it around like the sword that it is, against the enemy. Just make sure you are being led by the Spirit of God. The Lord extricated you from the battle in the physical and the flesh.  Now allow the Lord to extricate you from the battle in the spiritual realm. Them who have ears to hear, let them hear what the Lord is saying to His church (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29; Revelation 3:6, 13, 22; Revelation 13:9). You will witness a mighty and powerful movement of God.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.