Thursday, January 21, 2021

Simon Bar jonah

I will bless the Lord at all times.  His praises shall continually be in my mouth.  When my enemies, even my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fell (Psalm 27-2: Psalm 34:1). Though a host may encamp about me, in this one thing shall I be confident; that I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and to inquire within His kingdom (Psalm 27-3).  Who is mighty and powerful, save the Lord almighty (Psalm 24:8).  He is at my right hand that I shall not be moved (Psalm 16:8).  I sought after someone to help me, and could find no one to come to my rescue save the Lord (Isaiah 63:5; Psalm 142).  He is the light of my life and my salvation (Psalm 27).  I love Him with all of my heart (Mark 12:23).  Every breath that I take, every thing that I am and everything that I am not, I owe to the Lord.  It is in Him that I live move and have my being (Acts 17:28). Who shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.  Neither peril, neither things present, nor things to come shall separate us from His love (Romans 8:31-39).


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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.