Saturday, January 30, 2021

And You Shall Know the Truth

Why do people have to suffer and go through hardship, degradation, subjugation, intimidation, and deterioration before recognizing that Jesus Christ is Lord? Why do we have to be kicked to the curb and thrown under the bus before we realize that we need Jesus? Why do we have to be the brunt of the joke? Why do we have to be bullied into submission, manipulated, mind-controlled, brainwashed, harassed and tortured with electro-microwave technology, living in electronic prisons with high-pitched sounds in our ears that increase with intensity if we don't think what the prison guard wants us to think; the HVAC system is manipulated on and off  in unison with our activities--standing up, sitting down, opening drawers, turning on computers, shutting down computers, walking on the treadmill, getting off the treadmill--with the timing of our activities we do in the privacy of our homes; in the middle of the night--"take the covers off"; "that's right, take the covers off"--the knocking and popping sounds that come through appliances or wherever the electronic prison guard wants the sound to come from; watching you use the bathroom--sitting on the toilet, wiping your butt--"I like how she does that"; wiping between your legs, taking a shower; watching what comes out in the commode--"there she goes looking in the toilet"; looking in the mirror, brushing your teeth; pop pop, time to eat, pop pop watching when you eat, pop pop what you eat and how you eat it--did you wash your hands? "let me see how much"--and finally--the coup d'etat--labeled as mentally ill because you think differently or won't give in to hate, subjugation or bullying tactics to become a part of a group that hates your guts in the first place--before we embrace Christ as Lord and personal Savior of our life?

Why do we run ourselves into the ground...we don't need any help to do that....and then our eyes are opened to the knowledge of the Truth (2 Timothy 3:7) as it is written in God's Word--the devil comes as a ravenous wolf dressed in sheep's clothing (Matthew 7:15); the devil desires us to sift us as wheat (Luke 22:31); we are counted as sheep for the slaughter (Romans 8:36; Psalm 44:22). The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10-29) our bodies, our hopes and dreams, our personal well-being and everything that we have worked hard for--before we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord?

Before we give our life to Christ, why does there have to be some type of traumatic event--serious illness, imprisonment, death row, loss of employment, loss of a spouse, relative, or loved one...and then the light goes on--Christ carves His name on our heart, on our forehead and we cry out "Jesus" help me! "Jesus" save me! "I need you Jesus!"

......because it is God's plan. It is God's plan just as sure as Jesus Christ was born to a virgin, lived, died and rose from the dead, and now sits at the right hand of the Father making intercessory prayers for us, on our behalf.

Had the Lord never taken you through the valley of the shadow of death; you would fear no evil (Psalm 23). The people's hearts melted and no courage was left in them, because they heard of the awesome things that God had performed on behalf of His people (Luke 21:26; Joshua 2:11; Joshua 5:11; Joshua 7:5; Isaiah 64:3; Deuteronomy 10:21). For you now know that the Lord is with you and He will not put anymore on you than you can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13).  All things work together for good to them who love God; the Called, according to God's purpose (Romans 8:28). Magnify the Lord with me and let us exhalt His name together (Psalm 34:3).

When the enemy tells you to jump, you say "how high?".  When they enemy says I'm going to make you wish that you never lived--say "thank you devil".  When the enemy turns up the electronic torture and harassment, say "thank you devil, turn it up"--for it is God's will that we suffer for the cross of Christ that He may be glorified and most importantly that others may be saved.  Hallelujiah!

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.