Sunday, August 16, 2020

Good People

You have joined, or attempted to join many volunteer activities. Each time, there was an incident that occurred to end your volunteer activity. Perhaps, you were doing other good things with your life, such as working two jobs and pursuing a college degree part time. Perhaps you volunteered for organizations, that flat out turned you down, disappeared, no email correspondence, no communication exchange, and you wonder what happened? No response? That's rude. 

Then one time you showed up at an event to volunteer and other volunteers literally pushed you out. What was up with that? Then one time while being a member of a church you volunteered for a couple of things, ushering, being a missionary to go and visit with people and make sure they were okay. Hey, no way was the response. Not in those blatant terms, but you were not accepted to participate as a volunteer for either.

You were born again at these times. But, the so called "good" people didn't want you interfering in their roles or activities to do "good".  More importantly, you were not doing the will of God. You were in God's permissive will, but you were not in the perfect will of God. God had other plans for you. There is no good that you can do separate from God, once He has called you for His purpose.

And, therefore, time passed, you thought you were a "good" person, because you weren't breaking the law, however, the Lord said, this is nothing.  Who do you think you are fooling? You are not talking about Jesus, you are feeding the flesh, you are engaging in fleshly and carnal activities and keeping the message of God a secret, hidden so deep down in your heart, you appear as a "nothing" to the world...and that's why the "good" people treated you as nothing--repeatedly.

Feed my sheep! Feed my sheep!. I'm going to shake up your life so profoundly that you won't even know who you are, and it won't be to do "good" things as the world labels "good". You will be broken, your life will be shaken for My divine purpose for which I have chosen you for. Feed my sheep.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.