Sunday, June 18, 2023

A Pale Green Horse--The Fiery Trials of Our Faith

This clandestine military occupation of your neighborhood is not in the process of being setup. It has been completely established for decades. The shadow government control the streets of most nations. Some are warning about an impending police state with intrusive surveillance technology, martial law, and detention centers. However, the cities and towns of developed nations have already been seized.  It was not accomplished with implements of traditional warfare that many of us are familiar with.  Although there was an official declaration of war it did not occur through common news channels.  No invading armies were seen. There was no ongoing media coverage when the shadow government conquered your town. The takeover happened silently using the people themselves,, your neighbors, local merchants, your family members and coworkers. Advanced surveillance equipment and other munitions of control were put in place and are in place.  However, the rule of your city, your neighborhood, the street you live on, the places where you work and shop are predominantly enforced by the citizens.

Most citizens have accepted their role as obedient savages in this degenerating society. This society is run like a prison or a concentration camp. To live in it without being attacked, you must submit to the psychopaths who control it, and persecute their enemies. Most people give little resistance when they encounter this part of the system, because they function as animals saliently merged into society.

The mass base of the civilian population has already been recruited. For about a century there has been a cover and vigorous enlistment of citizens globally. At some point this became automated. Recruitment is now done using a supercomputer with artificial intelligence. The computer establishes wireless connections with human brains and trains people in clusters of thousands, all over the world.

Citizens are identified, trained, and directed electronically by this supercomputer which is known as the Global Information Grid.

What They're After

Those using common logic would probably consider their goal of controlling the planet to be unnecessary, unlikely, perhaps even foolish. Rational people observing their consistent harmful activities might ask questions such as: What are they after? How they can do this to people? When will they have enough?

However, using a common outlook without an understanding of the nature of the phenomenon, would make it difficult to comprehend what they want. Furthermore, such an explanation has features that cross into the spiritual realm.

The goal is to beat the human race into complete submission. Psychopaths see normal/decent people as a separate species who are a threat to their survival, the psychological and physical destruction of as many normal people as possible is absolutely critical. It is a matter of necessity in order to defile humanity.

They want a world where they no longer have to hide, and the decent people must submit to their demented minds. They have no illusions about what they're doing or why they're doing it. They are totally aware that their goal is to have complete power over all people--a larger war being waged by the psychopaths against all that is good about humanity.

They are relying on you to consider them pleasant people. They want you to trust that we all want what's best for humanity. They want you to believe their big lie. The central mental obstacle that contributes to their concealment is that most people have trouble accepting how utterly monstrous they are.

Many people understand that such a mechanism exists, although they may not be aware of all of its features or exactly who runs it. They participate in the harassment, but don't mention it because they are terrified of losing their jobs, having their lives destroyed, being persecuted, and attacked with technology intended to drive them insane.

Copyright © 2023 Mark Rich. All rights reserved. Visit

Then I looked and saw a pale green horse. It's rider's name was Death, and Hades followed close behind. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill by sword, by famine, by plague, and by the beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6)

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.