Saturday, April 8, 2023

Decades of Testing, Manipulation and Influence (Renee Pittman)

Decades of Testing, Manipulation, and Influence,-- excerpt from Chapter 4 "Diary of An Angry Targeted Individual: Mind Invasive Technology"

"I am not alone in my assertion that these are generational programs where family members are targeted, through immediate family members such as fathers or mothers, or even a close relative. It is also my belief that after the rioting and revolutionary efforts of the 60's a decisive effort was made to deploy this technology for mass populations control on individuals, groups, and specific communities. As a result the targeting, in decade long testing programs, has been simply passed on to children or those close."

"History clearly documents and I also in “Remote Brain Targeting” that these programs have been ongoing and dating actually as far back as the Operation Paperclip recruitment, after Nazi Concentration Camp dissolution, of which had a major focus and ideation in mind control. Logically, believe it or not, it took a lot of testing and test subjects, to get the electromagnetic technology to its current state of mind control perfection."

"When I began to connect the dots of what was happening in my life, after recognition that this program is a reality, I was able to look back and see situations in my life, where subtle manipulation and influencing could have played a major role. There were periods , in nearly all cases, where there was some type of conflict which could have destroyed me. As a result of this painful reality, I was not surprised at a chat posted online by targeted individuals and a brief statement by another targeted individual after someone posted the first question:

Question: from a targeted female – how many targeted individuals have had their minds read, from beginning to end, and then have the perps harass you for all the wrong things you have done? Am I the only one?

Response: from another targeted female: You are not alone. Unless you are violating someone else’s civil liberties, you have done nothing wrong. “THEY” are the criminals.

Response: from targeted male: They have been reading my mind from birth. My dad was a target too.

Female Targeted Individual: No you are far from the only one who gets this ill treatment. I’m a victim of synthetic telepathy since 1990. Back then there was no Internet to search for information, no Facebook where you could vent your anger and get in touch with other victims of this crime for consolation. I have since come to learn that this thing is global and affects people all over the world, regardless of their culture, race, skin color, age, gender, etc. As with you they like to remind me of all the bad things I have done in the past. Mostly sexual things, because these perverts love to rant about such private things. However, since I live a dull and uneventful life there aren’t many bad things for the perps to talk about. So they tend to focus on things they think I should do, like working harder and become more successful in life, get married, etc. They keep saying I’m a loser and that is what made me look more deeply into this thing. It doesn’t make any sense why anyone would want to waste time and resources on someone like me. We are merely guinea pigs to these bastards." ["bastards" is author Renee Pittman's word from her book]

"This morning I was getting ready for a doctor’s appointment and those around me announced, after reading my thoughts, where I was heading then showed up looking like lost dogs in heat. They sicken me to the core. I cannot explain the disgust I feel for them….”.

Courtesy of Author Renee Pittman – Excerpt from Chapter 4 "Diary of An Angry Targeted Individual: Mind Invasive Technology"; and Remote Brain Targeting both books, and others, by the author available on

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.