Saturday, December 10, 2022

Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord

We are surrounded by those who would denigrate, subjugate, dominate, and control take over our bodies by taking over our minds with technology. The worst act being perpetrated on humans in the 21st century. Although the military has been using torture technique's on their enemies since the beginning of time. For the Believer, the BornAgain, the Chosen and Elect of God, this is Spiritual Warfare. 

Torture has been elevated. By 2030 the Pew Research Institute reports that 75 percent of the population will be controlled by technology. Are you seeing God's blessing...God is preparing you. Those who are torturing others with electronic mind invasive technology will be controlled electronically or are already under electronic influence.

God prepares us. We are being prepared for an onslaught of hi-tech remote social control. But I digress. Those who are the Called, according to God's purpose are being prepared to enter into the kingdom of God. Those who are the Called and the Chosen are those who will not leave the Lamb's side. The Lamb, who is the only one who shall overcome the beast and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. (Revelation 17)

There is an evil spirit walking about in the land. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. (Revelation 16). God has given the child of God--the born again believer-- instructions to resist the devil (James 4), to stand against the forces of darkness, to press toward the mark to win the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6) and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10). For Christ's sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter but in all of these things we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loved us and gave His life for us--conquering death, hell and the grave. (1 Corinthinians 15)

Jesus Christ is the way. He is the only way. Do not join up with evil forces under pressure. Pray and ask the Lord to stop the electronic torture and mind invasive technology that the devil has chosen as his weapon of choice and infiltrates your mind 24/7 and wants to have a conversation with you, in your head--oh devil you are so big and bad--I'm scared of you..please don't hurt me...yeah right, if you believe that I have a bridge I want to sell you. You are obviously mentally unbalanced and suffer from a self esteem deficit.

Saints of God, bornagain believer, we know that all things work together for good to them who love God, (Romans 8) those who are the called and chosen of Christ before the foundation of the world was laid. (Ephesians 1) Before you were in the womb, God knew you. (Jerimiah 1) The Lord knows your beginning and your end and all that has happened and will happen before your transition home to be with Him. The Lord is using the devil and his electronic torture as a tool to perfect you, to teach you and to train you to keep your mind stayed on Christ. Thou will have perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Jesus. (Isaiah 26)

Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid. (John 14) God is not a man that He would lie and His Word will accomplish that which He has set it forth to do. (Isaiah 55) God is not the son of man that He should repent. Vengence is Mine sayeth the Lord. (Deuteronomy 32; Romans 12)

Let no man trouble you for you bear in your body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Galatians 6)

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.