Sunday, November 6, 2022

I'm Getting Dizzy - Praise Jesus!

So my neighbor uses electromagnetic technology on me to control, read and manipulate my thoughts. He works for law enforcement. He is either an undercover cop or a federal informant. He and his family worked day in and day out to destroy my property. Any service provider that came to my home these people presented themselves as owners of my property.

These people are third generational cursed. They have been held down by the government for at least three generations. The guy who remains because the others in the house have since died, suffers from seriously low self esteem and a plantation slave mentality. He ran a concerted effort in the neighborhood to destroy whoever came on the street, setting up what appeared as a drug culture on the street and running gambling games every week -- all undercover cops. How do I know? Because the woman who has since died, told me so. The question is why would she tell me something like that.

When I was at work, they would come on my property and walk around as if they owned my house. The house is rigged with cameras and audio survellience equipment that the corrupt law enforcement have installed. I purchased the house on the open market in 2004. The house was broken into several times after I closed but before I moved in.

I contracted three security systems in my home that the government through these people next door infiltrated and controlled--I immediately cancelled the services.

I am here today (since 2004) because the Lord has kept me alive and in my right mind. The Lord has allowed this abuse, torment and degradation to consecrate me, sanctify me and prepare me for transition, that His power may rest upon me and that He may use me for His purpose, that He may get the glory.

Let me help you.

The Lord orchestrated the entire operation to ensure that I would never be affiliated or associated with the people in my neighborhood, on the street where I live and the city where I live. I feel sorry for the guy next door and the men and women on the street where I live who devote their lives to destroying others. I wonder how does that feel?

Let me help you.

You need to be born again, set free, delivered. You are in bondage to the spirit of the devil. The devil has relegated you to nothing for three generations. You will only be free when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.