Tuesday, September 6, 2022

She's Trying to Tell Us Something

What would someone who is being tortured with electromagnetic technology have to tell to the people who are torturing her? What in the world would she have to tell someone who is violating, degrading and trying to destabilize her life, run her from her home and make her to willingly join up with a crew of nefarious, criminal, corrupt law enforcement entities and their family and friends. Are you kidding me? Why would a person willingly join up with people who work deceptively to destroy her life and the life of others? Why? What's the attraction?  Is being a brain dead zombie fashionable these days? Is joining up with the criminal law enforcement team and their allies the only way to get a promotion on your job or keep your job? Help me now?

What? Help me out. Give us something? What did he look like? Tell me. What did he look like? Is that what you want to know. What color did he have on? Did you see that green shirt? Green shirt. Green shirt. Is that what you want to know? Help me out now. You're the torturer and interrogator.

Hi-tech snitching. This is what the electromagnetic torture is all about. Your next door neighbor who is using the technology on you--the federal informant or undercover cop--whichever, and the people on your street know that you are not a dummy. You owned and managed two properties by yourself for 19 years. You worked a job while receiving two bachelor degrees and an MBA. No they didn't think that you were dumb. They thought and think that you are vulnerable. Their goal was and is to subjugate, denigrate, and dominate you. They say I can't believe that she would go through all of this instead of going along with us. I can't believe that she would let us see her naked, wipe her butt, and take a shower, instead of inviting us over.

Repeatedly destroying your property, making people on your job harass you, calling you mentally ill, putting out a lie about you. And the ultimate, electronic torture and electronic harassment. Sleep deprivation, HVAC manipulation--extreme temperatures of cold and hot. Electronic mind reading, thought manipulation, people following you around. All connected to a criminal government and all aware of the electronic torture.

I have to thank my God through Christ Jesus who always gives me the victory. Jesus was born in a barn with the cows and He was and is the King of Kings. The magistrates, the kings security team all conspired to kill Jesus, so they got one of his insiders. You know the story. All the while it was God's plan unfolding according to His time table.

Jesus, you are an awesome God! I praise You! I honor You! I give You the Glory!

I thank You, that You have chosen me and that I did not choose You. I thank You that You have counted me worthy to suffer for Your sake. Have Your way Lord God! Move by Your Spirit! Pluck up! uncover! overturn! and return to sender!

I praise You Lord. I thank You! Have Your way in my life. I live because You live in Me.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.