Sunday, June 26, 2022

I Know Your Thoughts A Far Off

We know your windows are dark, We know you think that we can't see you. Why is it that every time you come out of your house we drive down the street like a parade? Why do we do that? Surely you must have something to say? Who are you talking about? Who must have something to say? The person being violated, harassed and tortured in their home, on camera,--or the vehicle parade?

You've been watching me take a bath, wipe my butt, eat breakfast lunch and dinner, go to bed, wake up, take a bath since 2004. What are you waiting for? The return of Christ?

You'd better be ready for Christ's return. The book of Revelation which your shadow government leaders are working from speaks of your own obituary. The mimickers (have intelligently mimicked the Word of God, the Book of Revelation, of whom Jesus is the Revelator), tell you what is going to happen and what is happening and then stop there. Pick and choose what parts of the bible to believe, not to believe and to gloss over.

I can't wait to see the mimickers, mimic the return of Christ.

Be ready, for Jesus will return as a thief in the night. Jesus said that only the Father knows the day or the time that He shall return. Is this why the shadow government harasses God's people; they are attempting to get a jump on the return of Christ, or do they want to see the believer taken up in the clouds to be with God--so they will think that they can run into the person's home who they have tormented and harassed with electronic magnetic technology to control, read and manipulate their thoughts and take all of their "stuff" that is left behind? Is this why you stole the keys to their home so that you can enter in and out anytime you want to, rearrange their stuff to make them think that they are losing their minds. Or to make unbelievers who say that they know the Lord, pray for something, they come home and it's there? Oh! the lord has answered my prayers. Really?

For a good mind control program to work you have to have both the physical and mental disequilibrium or destabilization traumatic activities in play.

Or are you just plain old stupid? It's your call, Jesus wrote the Book. Jesus is the Word who became flesh, dwelt among us, hung on the cross, rose from the dead and is sitting at the right hand of God the Father (Mark 16:19).

The Bible is about God's people--generations--of the children of Israel, a stiff-necked and rebellious people; unbelievers, fakers, haters, killers, murderers, liars, pilferers, adulterers, kings, queens, prostitutes, tax collectors, fornicators, robbers, thieves, and the few who knew and know God personally. The people in the world, the unbelievers who are in the church and pretend to be in relationship with Christ.....Jesus already told us that judgement will begin in the household of faith.

Or, do you harass God's born-again believers because you know that we are subject to the Word of God, who tells us to keep our flesh under subjection to God's Word. God's Word who tells us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, and that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against evil and spiritual wickedness in high places, and that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and that all things work together for good to them who love God, the Called, the Chosen of God; God's Elect.

Or, do you just plain ol' like deceiving and being deceived. Spreading hate and jealousy. Acting from a place of low self esteem, self-hatred, and zero ability to read others which is why you work to both mentally and physically destroy others; why you try to control behavior and emotions by slamming doors, clicking sounds from the refrigerator, horns blowing, beep, beep sounds; whatever, these are some nasty, devious, people who want to make everyone hate everyone. Who is breeding and cultivating hate in the society--working through those who know they are devious and deceptive and working through those who think that they are doing a good thing--or at least want to make the harassed to believe that they are doing a good thing.

God chastens those whom He loves (Hebrews 12). The Lord may allow us to go through Hell, day-in and day-out--all so that He may get the glory while extricating the born again believer from the world. The born again believer's love for everyone is too strong and is ultimately their weakness. This very thing, love, is what the born again believer is being tortured and harassed for. But God. God in His infinite wisdom made sure that there was no way that you would be mind-controlled, harassed and tortured and then become a fake friend of your harasser. F-A-K-E or F-R-I-E-N-D. God made sure that the born again believer would be separated from the world--those that you love who are not born again, those who sleep outside, and eat out of trash cans, the downtrodden, those who love hard and refuse to go along with an activity to destroy others and instead choose to be destroyed themselves--for others--such as Jesus, who stood in our place when He hung on the cross.

What am I missing here? Torturers, harassers, mind control manipulators, think that they control God and His people, but they themselves do not believe that God is who He says He is. It doesn't get any funnier than that. And God made Sara to laugh (Genesis 21:6).

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.