Saturday, March 19, 2022

Surrounded by Enemies for Generations

In the enemies camp?  Jesus had to die to go into captivity to set the captives free.  Do you feel like you are in Hell?  Do you feel and know that you are surrounded by enemies?  Do you know that you have been placed strategically by God, in the enemies camp?

Criminal cops believed that they were doing good in the inner-city communities. When in fact they were in the inner-City carrying out Satan's strategy.  The holy rollers got distracted, which was and continues to be Satan's plan--to distract you. They began to think that they were fighting the devil--and began speaking in tongues and casting out devils when in fact, they were professing holiness but denying the power thereof--they were denying Christ who dwells in the midst of chaos because the criminal law enforcement made them to take their focus off of Christ and begin to live in disobedience to God's Word. They began to live a powerless existence. Crime and poverty began to flourish because they stopped being obedient to God's Word and began to stoke the flames of the evil that the cops who the devil was working through began to ravish their neighborhoods and communities. 

When born again believers experience challenges and trials, the battles are personally selected for you by God before He formed you in your mother's womb. These trials, and battles, then become tests.  When the Lord puts you in the battle or biggest challenges of your life, He is not going to take you out of it.  He is standing with you in the midst. The Lord is building your character and integrity and love for your enemies. Love, not friendship. That was and continues to be the problem with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is the problem with born again believers who come from the root of Jesse.  Those who are descendants of King David, by divine heritage in Jesus Christ. God brought the Children of Israel out with a mighty hand; God delivers the born again believer and they turn their back on God and join up with the enemy who deceived them into thinking that they were under attack from some extraneous neighborhood thug, thieves or attacks of vandalism--when you and your neighborhood was under siege of those working for criminal cops.

You are a soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ--mortify your flesh, wield your weapon which is the Word of God.  Hang your head, bend your knees and stand in the battle. When you can't stand, sit.  When you can't sit, you kneel.  Kneel at the cross--that is where you will  meet Jesus and claim your victory.  Born again believers do not win the victory. The victory belongs to born again believers by inheritance. That is why the world, your enemy and the enemies of God want to get your focus and devotion off of God and onto them--the enemy.

The devil is defeated.  You trust God.  God will reveal to you every tactic and strategy that the devil is using to destroy your life and others who have joined Satan's camp and don't know how to get free. God is revealing every strategy and tactic of the devil to give you strength, to bring you into alignment with God's Word; to make you live Holy.  When the devil attacks you mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally he is attacking the Holy Spirit that dwells in the believer. God is strengthening your walk with Him. 

Therefore, mortify the deeds of your flesh.  Bring every evil thought captive to the Word of God. You are more than a conqueror.  You are an overcomer.  You are God's chosen. You are the Elect of God. You are the remnant that Christ is coming back for. Be ready. 

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.