Sunday, November 7, 2021

Live, Drink, and Be Merry

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. For to live is Christ and to die is gain.  Whether we live or whether we die we are Christ's.  

If you are being attacked, targeted and harassed with electronic-microwave technology by criminal law enforcement entities and their cohort of informants and snitches, God has a plan for them. These people have isolated not just you but business franchises and anywhere electronic "filling" stations can be established. The same electronic microwave technology that you experience in your home is in the food stores or convenience stores; gas stations; public places, your office where you work. Don't take it personal. God is doing a mighty work in the world. Those who attack and those who are being attacked are all apart of God's magnificent plan.  The workers of iniquity, those who work to silently, deceptively, overtly or covertly to destroy humanity is operating under self delusion and being deluded.  Those who work to destroy others are being controlled by a nefarious, evil spirit that is preventing them from entering into God's righteousness....from entering into eternal life.  Many are called and few are chosen. 

Those who are being tormented and tortured with electronic microwave mind control, mind manipulation electronic devices are God's chosen.  The Lord has picked them out before they were formed in the their mother's womb, to suffer for Christ's sake; to suffer that God may get the glory out of their lives.  Many are called by God, but many are bible quoting, church going believers who really don't know what side they are operating on.  One thing is for sure, they are a part of God's plan for the end time.  Judgement is going to start in the household of faith.  Jesus said that He would avenge His people speedily but when He returns will He find anyone waiting?  Are you feeling me?

Let God be true and every man a liar.  You kill, steal, and destroy and believe that you are doing a good thing.  You harass and try to intimidate, but you are deceiving yourself.  "Don't you know that I will come over there and do this and that?"  Is that a fact?

God is in control. No human being took Jesus' life.  The Roman soldiers did not kill Jesus. Jesus laid down His own life. God wrapped Himself in a body, suffered, was humiliated, bled, died and rose from the dead for His people.  Oh for sure He died and rose again from the dead for everyone, but only His people believe.

As I write this blog today for the enemies who torture me daily with electronic microwave technology in my home, who try to talk to me in my head, who try to manipulate my thoughts, who try to mimic my thoughts, my actions and activities all electronically--can you figure that one out?  Wow, they must be some brave, strong, big and bad people. What?  Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? I write this message to those who are acting under great delusion. There is no power but God's power. Period.

Live, drink, and be merry. Choose you this day, whom you will serve--the Lord Jesus Christ or man?

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.