Monday, October 11, 2021

I Am, That I Am

Oral Roberts, a forerunner of miracles, signs, and wonders was stricken with Tuberculosis at the age of 16.  He was confined to bed for an extended period of time.  Cut to the chase.....Oral Roberts lived a long, prosperous life doing what the Lord called him to do. He preached in a church but left after a short period of time because he was not seeing signs and miracles like those that were taking place in the bible.  Oral Roberts died at the age of 91.  Stricken with tuberculosis at the age of 16, and lived to the age of 91?

Long before Satan began using electromagnetic-electro-microwave technology to control and manipulate the thoughts of human being--mind control technology--Oral heard the voice of God tell him to leave the church and do not be like other people and don't do what other people do.  You know how the story goes, Oral Roberts built Oral Roberts University, one of the largest and most influential Christian universities in the world.  What?!,  and no human being hiding in the shadows using technology had to tell him what and how to do this.  No human being hiding in the shadows behind electro microwave technology, playing and mimicking the voice of God had to tell Mr. Roberts to become a success, for God.

Job was a very wealthy man.  Satan had to get God's permission to attack Job and destroy everything he had and his children so that the devil could know that Job "is my child, he loves me, not things."  God told Satan you can destroy everything that Job has but do not touch his body.  Oh, we know that the devil came back and gave Job boils but not after God gave the go-ahead; because God knew what Job was made of. But I digress.

What are doing with your life?  Are you simply working with a nefarious criminal law enforcement network, designed to destroy the lives of others, simply because the only thing the person wants to do is to work, put food on the table, keep a roof over their head and make a life for themselves and their families?

What are you doing with your life?  Sitting back being controlled by a shadow government whose goal is to denigrate, subjugate, dominate and control others. Is the only way that you can feel good about yourself is to destroy another person's life? Does that make you feel special?  Are you feeling special because a shadow, nefarious government has selected you, chosen you to be electronically mind controlled?  Sounds like the devil mimicking God's salvation plan.  Are you keeping up?   

What are you doing?  Who is your god?  

When the end time is come, the devil will have garnered so much carnal power, knowledge, and technology, that humanity will destroy itself and the earth. That is God's plan. The devil wants to mimic God, right?

Judgement is going to start in the household of faith.  Many who call themselves Christians, or believers in Christ will be judged for every evil deed, every evil act. Devils tremble at the name of Jesus and know God's Word back to front and front to back, yet God's people perish for lack of knowledge of God's Word.  Repent, confess your sins and be born again, that you may gain eternal life.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.