Thursday, June 24, 2021

You Don't Know Who You Are -- That's Your Problem

Do it for Jesus!  He gave His life that you might have life and life more abundantly (John 10).  Watch and pray.  The devil walks about in the earth seeking to kill, steal and destroy; seeking whom he may devour and to sift you as wheat (Luke 22)..

You don't belong to any corrupt organization or operation that every time you move it revs engines or honks horns or drives around in circles.  You belong to Jesus.  Stand against those who have worked to stop and cripple every movement of your life.  

They call it community policing but these entities are destroying your community. They are causing deterioration in the lives of every citizen in the community whose only goal is to get up in the morning and live! You are not with these people who drive around the community and look for ways to provoke and upset the elderly and make the children think that this is how you are supposed to live.

These are policing strategies designed to destroy lives. Destroy hopes and dreams and to destroy what people have worked hard for all of their lives. These are policing strategies organized by law enforcement entities who work incessantly to destroy the mental, physical, and emotional health of human beings.  Freedom is the devil's enemy.  Joy and peace are Satan's enemy. 

Live for Jesus.  Live for Christ. You see people who are pushed down to the curb, sleeping on the street, eating out of dumpsters, or just plan ole staying away from their neighbors who seek the destruction of others. If they own a home, there property shows signs of decay and neglect. Why do legitimate entities  do this? Why do they seek to destroy the lives of others?  Because Satan is a spirit that works through others, legitimate organizations like the police, and places of business who join forces to participate sureptiously in programs to destroy, cause deterioration and in some cases bring to a complete halt, the life of individuals and whole families.  

You have got to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus died that you may have life. I am telling you that Satan watches 24/7 to destroy individuals, to stop individuals and whole families to cripple another from living unless you join their forces.  They devote a significant amount of resources and human capital to make you think that you are apart of their group.  But you're not. They encircle your life to such an extent to brainwash you into thinking that you are apart of their secret operation.  But you're not. You were bought with a price and the price was the blood of Jesus.  Jesus will not let you go. It is a battle between the forces of evil and the forces of light.  Stand with Christ and He will not let you go or let you down. Jesus has never lied and His Word will not return unto Him void; it will accomplish what He set it forth to do.  Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6).

Don't be stupid because someone else wants you to be stupid. You served your time in the penal system and now the law enforcement entities want you to go back out into the community and destroy others.  They won't let you live. They crush you down at every turn.  Every job you get, every time you try to do right and live right the law enforcement and their undercover cops press you down.  They hate your guts and lie to you and make you believe a lie to go along with their program to destroy the lives of others. Pray.  Ask the Lord to break that yoke of affliction off of your neck  These same entities use anyone they can to try to join their murderous undercover operation to provoke, kill, steal and destroy--don't be a single woman trying to live a clean life--they will use you to destroy others and destroy you in the process.  They will make your life a living nightmare.  

Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, Donald Trump--all fought for people. Jesus died that we may have life and life more abundantly. I command you this day, in the name of Jesus to live! Take up your bed and walk!  

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.