Sunday, May 16, 2021

Okay Lord, Now?

We want to make sure that we are doing what the Lord wants us to do. We do not want to lash out, reveal, uncover and destroy with malicious purpose or intent with malus of forethought. We need to make sure that it is what God wants us to do, when He wants us to do it. God has given us authority to tread on serpents and the authority to cast out demons. All things work together for good to them who love God; the Called, according to His purpose. It is in God that we live, move and have our being. The Lord is allowing the electro-magnetic torture. The enemy has no power. They think that they are getting away with electromagnetic torture of human beings all across this country. They think, they are. That is the illusion that God is allowing them to have. For those who are being tortured; Apostle Paul says that I reckon the sufferings of this present time are not to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us.

The law enforcement or government entities who operate the electromagnetic equipment who work in concert with their family, friends, communities, businesses both large and small or the perpetrating frauds of this country, who control and operate the activity--question you (in your head) when you come home from an outing or event or errand. Sometimes they wait until you go to bed, late at night or in the early morning wake you with a "zap" and then begin to have a conversation with you (in your head).

Or, they will not bother you or inquest you until the next morning. Whoomp--there it is! And the refrigerator goes pop, pop--it's show time. Or try to interject a code word in your prayers to see if you will act on see if you are listening, paying attention or being responsive. "That's my girl". Okay. So what did you see? What did you think? What did you talk about?

I'm thinking, look at me sitting here and answering questions to someone having a conversation in my head. What's wrong with you? Have you lost your mind? Don't play with these people. And without opening my mouth or moving my lips, I said, Yes I talked about you. I said that the same entity that tried to destroy our president are working to destroy individual lives all across this country. The government is trying to get rid of people. It's too many people and the government wants to get rid of some. They are doing it secretly, so that it will look like natural causes: people abusing and harassing their neighbors, striking out towards one another. People standing up for themselves and responding to provocative behavior merely to defend themselves. These secret "shadowy" government entities are manipulating, coordinating and financing activities to destroy the lives of individuals in this country. This is not a Race thing. They don't care who it is. Anytime they violate and denigrate the American president on the national stage, it should have been a wakeup call for everybody in this country. Regardless of your party affiliation.

This is what I talked about yesterday. Of course I was about the Lord's business. Winning souls for Christ is the greatest assignment that one could have. I said in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye we shall all be changed. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed and the Holy Spirit moved in that place. In unison hearts clicked and it got really quiet for a moment.

To my secret murderers and torturers did you get all of this? I plan to be about God's business wherever I go and whatever I talk about will be about God's divine plan and purpose for this world. Everything is being coordinated by God. I know that you who are operating under the control of dark forces afraid to show their faces but exercise extreme negative powers on this earth, at the top echelons of government to the little boys and girls in swings, to your neighbors who come out and want to make a point of you seeing or hearing them, to your neighbors who harass you and think that by some synchronized freak of nature you are supposed to take lunch when they take lunch, to the street people hanging out on the corner, BUT, it is all working together for God's purpose and plan. The story is already written. Genesis to Revelation. God is being merciful and longsuffering. He is giving everyone the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, so when that day comes when Christ returns for His people, no one will be surprised. Some will be prepared and dressed to meet the bridegroom, some will have oil in their lamps, but some will be in utter shock and awe.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.