Saturday, January 16, 2021

Let's See What She is Going to Do

The Lord told Moses that he was not going to enter into the promised land. The Lord said, I will show it to you but you won't enter in. I spoke with you face-to-face, yet you trespassed against me and did not sanctify me or command that the people be set apart, be obedient--for Me. (Deuteronomy 32:49-51)

Do not ever think that the enemy is going to stop trying to win you over or trip you up.  There may be days that you yourself become consumed with hate for those who have repeatedly used electromagnetic technology, pointed at your head to distort, manipulate, and read your mind. Sounds bizarre, but it is true. Those special people who hold them self up as the "good people", "respected people", those who display "shields" as if they are above the law and have the power to destroy your life, in secret and out in the open, the holy rollers, tongue talking, sanctified, born again believers, church-goers who serve God with their lips, who choose to join up with those who work to destroy lives rather than to spread the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

You, a born again believer, have now become consumed with hate after being tortured and harassed with electronic weapons going on now for 15 years. The Lord tells us to love our enemies. People are running to the psychiatrists saying that they hear voices in their head, and they do; but it is the use of electro magnetic technology. What you have now done is to feed into the enemy's lie and reinforce the enemy's goal to make you and others think that you are mentally ill. You need to pray. The Lord knows everything about you. The Lord knows that you are being electronically tortured and harassed in your home. Keep in mind and this is very important to know--you are not the only one. Nevertheless we wonder why a kind, loving and just God would allow such heinous, illegal, and immoral activities to take place. The same reason the Lord was present when the Jews were betrayed by their neighbors for being a Jew and shuttled off to death camps, Jim Crow, the same reason a country's government killed their people by manufacturing a famine, the same reason the Hutus and Tutsis were told by their government to tell on each other and to kill one another; the Khemer Rouge, the Sandinistas, the American Indians--all organized atrocities to eliminate a race of people led by those who would label themselves "good", "upstanding", "respectful" people in their communities and societies. 

But when we read in the Bible about the atrocities and mighty hand of God himself who performed tremendous acts of atrocities, tribulations, turmoils against His own people to bring them to obedience and knowledge of Him, it literally blows your mind. The Lord will destroy His own people, to bring them in line with who He is--not who the government is. These people who use electro magnetic technology want to bring you in line with their purpose and goal to use you to destroy other people. The Lord is allowing this heinous, murderous, and tortuous act on humanity to restore His people's relationship to Him. To try you, to confirm you, to establish your place in Him (1 Peter 5:10; Deuteronomy 28:9). And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:3-32). 

However, many in the church are confused. They know who their attackers are and they think that they are supposed to join the "attackers" camp and go to work to secretly destroy others. This happens for many reasons. The church-goer, or bible-reading believer may be serving God in the flesh, while their heart is far from Him. They may be interested in any opportunity to destroy another human being secretly. After all, the Lord has been whipping up on them for years and they have yet to understand that they have to make a personal decision to serve God in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24).  

Judgement will begin in the household of faith. If you think that there is ever a reason to engage in an activity to destroy another human being's hopes and dreams, their personal well being, their life--mental or physical health, the bible tells us that vengeance belongs to the Lord. He will recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste (Deuteronomy 32:32-38). The Lord is judging His people. The Lord is standing back and pointing His finger and saying, where are your buddies now, who you joined up with and served their gods, ate their food, drank their drinks and worked with them to destroy others. Let them come and help you. Let them come to your rescue. 

And when Jesus is gruesomely nailed to the cross, dies, is buried and raised from the dead...the government shall be upon His shoulders.  He shall be called Prince of Peace, Mighty Father, Everlasting God (Isaiah 9:6).  The Beginning and the End (Revelation 22:13).    

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.