Wednesday, December 30, 2020

You Are Loved

The Lord chastises those whom He loves.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous and the Lord delivers them out of them all.  All things work together for good to them who love God, the called according to God's purpose.  In the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer, Jesus has overcome the world. You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, who died and gave His life for you that you may live. Praise the Lord and bless His holy name. 

Jesus loves you. You are special to the Lord. You are His chosen.  Perhaps you have not accepted the calling of Christ on your life yet, and you are catching Hell. The devil does not want you to step into God's purpose for your life.  The devil wants to stop the message of the gospel from going forth. The devil wants to make God's Word, the Bible of none effect (Mark 7:13). Perhaps you are saved and every time you pray the devil tries to interfere or disrupt your prayers. Those who pretend to be good people, legitimate, upstanding citizens in society, those who hide behind shields to project an image of authority while using electromagnetic technology to destroy lives--try to manipulate your prayers. They work to recruit for the devil. They work to get the nice, sweet born again believer to become confused as the torturer works to mimic God. Or, perhaps it is your thoughts--your mind begins to wonder and to think about everything except for that which pertains to the business of God.

You need to stop praying nice prayers. The devil is not being nice to you. Ask your heavenly Father to exorcise those who work to destroy your life.  Ask the Lord to return electromagnetic attacks back to the sender, to their friends and their family.  Ask the Lord to bring destruction to their friends, family and loved ones. Don't think this manner of prayer strange.  Moses, under the directions from the Lord, on several occasions, instructed that people were to be burned, destroyed, "kill everyone including the women and children". Who have offended the Lord (1 Samuel 15:3, Judges 21:10, Numbers 31:17, Deuteronomy 2:33-34) .  When God is angry, He does not have a problem executing judgement so that people will know that "I am God".  The devil thinks that it is he, she, or it's strategy to kill, steal, and destroy.  No. That is the devil attempting to mimic God. When the devil operates its strategy of destruction, the Lord has allowed it for the perfecting of God's people.  The devil has no power.  The only power that the devil has is deception. The power that the devil has is to give the impression that they have some sort of power over another person or group of people's lives. But they don't.

When an individual does not know where the attack is coming from the person can rebel, strike out, engage in self-destructive activities, join the camp of those who work to destroy others; or become fearful. That is the negative influence that the devil operates over a targets life.  Once God has revealed to you the tactics, the strategy, and who or what is attempting to destroy your life--God has redirected, transferred, restored His power to you. You now have both power and authority over the devil by simply being obedient to the Word of God. You now have the power and authority over every negative, evil, deceitful attack that is directed at you.  If God be for you, He is more than the whole world against you (Romans 8:28-34).

After all, if it is good enough for you to be attacked it surely must be good enough for those from whom the attack comes (Isaiah 10 1-34); you think?  

Stop praying nice prayers. God's got that.  No weapon formed against you shall prosper.  Love your neighbor. Pray for your enemies.  Pray for those who use and abuse you. Yes Lord--we will pray for our enemies and those who use and abuse us.  We pray that the destruction of the Lord comes upon our enemies, their family and their friends. We pray that every act of deceit and destruction towards the child of God be returned to the sender.  In the name of your precious Son, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the World. We thank you Lord God for hearing and answering those who pray to you in earnest; those who pray with a pure heart, without malice and contempt but with love for their fellowman. 

Every one who is suffering under the hands of the enemy, everyone whose life has been or is systematically, and consistently destroyed by those who work in coordinated and one on one attacks to destroy their lives--avenge them Lord--suddenly and swiftly.  In the name of Jesus.  Thank you Lord.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.