Sunday, September 13, 2020

Struggles, Offenses and Battles

Lord Jesus, all of our battles are ordained, coordinated, designed, and singularly picked out for us. Lord Jesus I write this under the divine intervention of the Holy Spirit, and I thank You for Your guidance and direction. For each one of our struggles, offenses and battles are uniquely designed for us because You made us each uniquely. You are God and You do things like You want to do them. You spoke--or did you think--the sun, the moon, the stars into existence. In turn, it is in our ability to think or to speak a thing into existence.

We believe the enemy is our enemy, we believe the struggle is our struggle and we believe the battle is our battle. But no. The enemy is my enemy. The struggle is my struggle. The battle, however, is Your battle that You have placed me in, for Your victory, purpose, honor, glorification, and praise.

Are you keeping up world? Are you keeping up believers and non-believers?

Your struggle is your personal individual struggle yet you attempt to enforce it on someone else. You hate so you project that hate onto another. You struggle and you use your influence to make another struggle. You are engaged in a battle and you suck others into your battle. God designed your battle as well, but you have not invited Him into your life. Although God is not fighting your battle for you, He is watching it very closely, because during the battle and at the outcome of the battle, you will call on Him. In addition, your battle may be with one of God's chosen and in that case--God is all in it.

Hate is a powerful, unique emotion that is transferred among individuals to other individuals and it spreads like a virus. Stage 1 hate, stage 2 hate, stage 3 hate where you're taking any and everyone down with you because you know that you are down for the count. You are so saturated in hate that you can't think straight. You have learned to cloak it up, wrap it up and disguise hate so that it appears as love, or like at the most; and at the least, tolerance or indifference toward another...but you're hating and it's manifesting in ways that you think no one else can know except for the individual that you are hating on.

We pray for you today. Like a virus, hate kills, steals, and destroys. Jesus came that you may have life and life more abundantly. Will you accept Christ as your Lord and personal Savior today? Invite Christ into your life. Tell the Lord that you want to be set free from the bondages of hate, offenses, and battles that control your every moment of existence.

Jesus, heal, deliver, set free, those who live in bondages that steal their every moment of existence. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.