Saturday, August 15, 2020

Burden to Pray

Let us pray for the unemployed, underemployed, and those that the world has pushed to the fringes of society--for there go I but for the grace of God. Let us pray for those who Satan has trampled on each and every day. For those who were employed and were secretly harassed and bullied on their jobs until they were forced to resign, or quit of their own accord to escape the negative behavior from others. Pray for those who have repeatedly, tried to find jobs but were increasingly turned down. Pray for those who have had to resort to less than traditional ways to provide for themselves and their families while the power of negative forces continued to degrade them through acts of overt and covert harassment and bullying, provoking them to act out in ways to protect themselves and their families only to find that their life was more devastating than before. Pray for those who can only find strength to live or sleep under a tree or in a tunnel or on the curb or at the bus and train depots for temporary shelters. Pray for those who sleep on crates and beds of leaves. Human beings whose lives have been methodically, systemically and systematically destroyed by the hate and jealousies of others who could see the real potential in these people; but chose to destroy them instead of helping them to do the right thing.  Everyone is not interested in joining up with dark forces designed to destroy another person's life.  Instead choosing to suffer with the dignity of knowing that they did not allow the dark forces to use them to destroy another person's life. Save them Lord Jesus.  Please save them Lord God.

Let us pray for the group of targeted individuals whose lives have been destroyed by the use of electromagnetic or microwave electronic technologies. These people have been bullied, harassed and isolated from society. They have been tormented in their homes, on their jobs (for those who can work) and wherever they go with horn blowing, slamming doors, cars and people following them wherever they go. These people are tracked electronically and physically every moment of their life. They feel hopeless. Pray for them that they may know that God is in control of their life if they would only reach out to Him. Pray that they will know that God has designed the attack for their benefit to turn them away from worldly lusts to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray for all those all over the world for these challenges are not for a specific geographic location. These challenges and dark forces are at work all over the world. We pray and reach out to God to move by His Holy Spirit. To heal, deliver, set free, over turn, uproot, pluck up, uncover and destroy every dark and demonic force that comes up against those that He have called and chosen and those that He has chosen but have not yet come.

We bless you Lord Jesus. We give You the honor, the glory and the praise. We believe that You will do whatever we ask if we believe. We believe that miracles, signs, and wonders will follow those who believe and spread Your gospel message of salvation and resurrection power. We pray as Jesus prayed; nevertheless Lord, not my will but thy will be done.

In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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Exercise your authority to tread on serpents and to cast out demons. You are the head and not the tail. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Exercise your holy boldness.